How To Win Friends And Influence People Audiobook

How To Win Friends And Influence People Audiobook cover

How To Win Friends And Influence People

Unabridged Audiobook

By: Dale Carnegie

Narrated by: Andrew Macmillan

Published: 1998-10-01

Duration: 7 hours 18 minutes 21 seconds

ISBN: 0743544714

ISBN13: 9780743544719

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How To Win Friends And Influence People Summary

Updated for today’s readers, Dale Carnegie’s timeless bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People is a classic that has improved and transformed the professional and personal and lives of millions.

One of the best-known motivational guides in history, Dale Carnegie’s groundbreaking book has sold tens of millions of copies, been translated into almost every known language, and has helped countless people succeed.

Originally published during the depths of the Great Depression—and equally valuable during booming economies or hard times—Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their professional and personal lives.

How to Win Friends and Influence People teaches you:

-How to communicate effectively
-How to make people like you
-How to increase your ability to get things done
-How to get others to see your side
-How to become a more effective leader
-How to successfully navigate almost any social situation
-And so much more!

Achieve your maximum potential with this updated version of a classic—a must-read for the 21st century.


Who wrote How To Win Friends And Influence People?

How To Win Friends And Influence People was written by Dale Carnegie.

Who narrates How To Win Friends And Influence People Audiobook?

This edition of How To Win Friends And Influence People Audiobook is narrated by Andrew Macmillan.

How To Win Friends And Influence People Audiobook length

How To Win Friends And Influence People Audiobook length is 7 hours 18 minutes 21 seconds. That's 26301 seconds long!

What year was How To Win Friends And Influence People first published?

How To Win Friends And Influence People was first published in the year 1936, originally titled: How to Win Friends and Influence People. That makes it 88 years old today!